Downloading Demo or Update Copies of Faast-3

This is the Faast Download Page, updated December, 2006.

Return to the Faast-3 home page.

How to download a free DEMO version of Faast for PCs (386 and higher) running PC/Ms-DOS, Win-3.x/9x/XP, but not Win-NT4.

How to download a Faast Full Release Kit, release3.3L, (updates or new users) for PCs (386 and higher). Runs on PC/Ms-Dos and Win-3/95/98/XP, but not on -NT4. Does not require DXF plot file fix described for NT4 below.

NT4 Release ...
How to download a Faast Full Release Kit, release 3.3M, (updates or new users) for PCs (386 and higher), required for use on Win-NT4 (also runs on PC/Ms-Dos and Win-3/95/98/XP). Release 3.3M contains a fix for DXF plot files. This version does not support monochrome graphics and should be used only by those with NT4. May be used as a demo version on -NT4.

How to download a Faast Full Release Kit (updates or new users) for SUN Sparc workstations running SUN OS 4.1.3 up to Solaris 9, using either Openwin or CDE.

Demonstration Copy of Faast-3 ...

The demo program is suitable for PC computers (386 and better) running PC-DOS, Windows-3.x/-9x/XP (but not Windows-NT4. Download the special NT4 version for demo purposes on -NT4).

The download demo kit file is called "fst3demo.exe" and is a self-extracting compressed library which contains program, data, PIF, help and "install" files. The kit file is about 360 K bytes in length and requires about 3 minutes to ftp to you at 19 Kbaud. After receiving the kit file, copy it to an empty directory ("folder") with the name C:\FAAST3. Then use the DOS prompt, or the Windows MS-DOS icon, or the Windows FILE/RUN... menu, or the Windows FILE MANAGER to execute (or "run") the downloaded kit file. It will expand itself and create various files on your disk. You may then read the "install.txt" instructions which describe the Faast-3 demo program, how to install the optional Windows program icon, how to run Faast, and what it does.

You may also read and/or print the "install.txt" information file (before downloading the demo kit file) with the button below.

Read or print the demo installation instructions "install.txt" (9 pages).

Download a free demo copy of Faast-3.

Contact Faast Software for help in downloading or using Faast-3.

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Download Installation Kits for New Users and Update Kits for Current Faast-3 Users ...

Download kits of Faast-3 are:

For Windows-3/-9x/XP, or PC/Ms-DOS, release3.3L, ...

After downloading ...
1. Before installing, move or copy the downloaded file to a directory such as
2. Then "RUN" the download file as a program. During installation you will be prompted whether to over-write existing files with conflicting names.

New users should have no conflicting files, so respond Y to install all files.

Update users should reply N when prompted whether to over-write the following files which may already exist in your Faast directory:
The reason for not over-writing these files is that you may have customized them and you may not have back-ups of your customized versions.

For more information about the installation, you may read and/or print the installation information file, before downloading the release kit file, by using the button below.

Read or print the release "installation instructions" (12 pages).

Download a full release kit of Faast-3, release 3.3L, for Windows-3.x/-9x/XP, or PC/Ms-DOS, requires a 386 or higher PC. Note: this release does not support Windows-NT4! This release does not require the DXF plot file fix described for NT4, below.
Use the link below if you need a Faast-3 version for running on -NT4.

This update requires a license validation file ( f3licens.val ) to run in other-than demonstration mode. If your firm is on the Update and Support Service you should have received one by email or disk. Contact Faast Software to enroll in the Update and Support Service.

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NT4 Release ...

For Windows-NT4 (also runs on Win-3.x/9.x/XP and PC/Ms-Dos), release 3.3M ...

Caution: The NT4 version is developmental (still evolving) and in some minor ways (such as dual monitors) is not compatible with the regular PC release. Release 3.3M contains a fix for DXF plot files (this fix not required on non-NT4 releases for DOS, Win 3.x/9x/XP, above)

After downloading ...
1. Before installing, move or copy the downloaded file to a directory such as
2. Then "RUN" the download file as a program. During installation you will be prompted whether to over-write existing files with conflicting names.

New users should have no conflicting files, so respond Y to install all files.

Update users should reply N when prompted whether to over-write the following files which may already exist in your Faast directory:
The reason for not over-writing these files is that you may have customized them and you may not have back-ups of your customized versions.

For more information about the installation, you may read and/or print the installation information file, before downloading the release kit file, by using the buttons below.

Read or print the release "installation instructions" (12 pages).

Read or print additional NT4 "installation instructions" (3 pages).

NT4 Release ...
Download a full release kit of Faast-3, release 3.3M, for Windows-NT4 (also runs on W-3.x/9x/XP or PC/Ms-DOS), requires a 386 or higher PC. Contains DXF plot fix.

This update requires a license validation file ( f3licens.val ) to run in other-than demonstration mode. License validation files in effect for release 3.3L should continue to work correctly with 3.3M. If your firm is on the Update and Support Service you should have received one by email or disk. Contact Faast Software to enroll in the Update and Support Service. br>

For SUN Sparc Running SUN OS 4.1.3 up to Solaris 9 ...

The download kit for SUN Sparc is not yet installed in this spot.
Contact Faast Software to obtain an update copy of Faast-3 for SUN Sparc workstations running SUN OS 4.1.3 up to Solaris 9. Email to
(Use manual email if your browser does not support the "mailto" html command.)

This update requires a license validation file ( f3licens.val ) to run in other-than demonstration mode.

Return to the Faast-3 home page.

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For help in Downloading Demos or Updates, contact Faast Software ...

For help in running the demo release or to receive support,
contact Faast Software by the means most convenient to you

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Copyright (c) 2006 Faast Software. All rights Reserved.