Computer Systems ...
Faast-3 is available for the following computing environments:
computer operating system video system
-------- ---------------- ------------
386/486/Pent.& up Win-3/9x/XP, PC/Ms-Dos VGA/EGA/Herc video graphics
386/486/Pent.& up Win-NT4, PC/Ms-Dos VGA/EGA graphics, mono text only
Digital VAX VMS Tektronix color & mono graphics
Sun Sparc Sun OS 4.1.3 & Sol.2x X-Window or Tektronix graphics
Versions for other computers and operating systems available on request.
PC versions may be installed and run under either Windows-x or PC/Ms-Dos.
Data files are fully portable between differing computers because
all versions support the full Faast-3 modeling language.
Our software rental plans start at only $ 65 (US) per month.
Paid-up licenses start at under $ 1500 (US).